I started this blog a year ago with the birth of our third child. Charlotte turns one year old today. I look back on our lives and I hardly remember what it was like before she was born. I remember her birth and her first cries; she sounded a bit like a donkey...hee-haw, hee-haw. She is such a wonderful child. She is almost always happy and smiley. She is thoughtful and contemplative. She likes to dance and she especially is fascinated by teeth.
She loves her sisters to pieces and there is nothing that can get her to smile faster. She follows them through the house on their adventures and adores it when they talk to her. Abby calls her Charlotte Grace. Don't really know why. They love giving her kisses goodnight and Abby loves to hug her...She also like to sit on her and smoosh her down when she tries to take steps. Oh, well. I suppose that makes them sisters.
Speaking of steps...Charlotte starting taking more of them this week. She is practicing a lot. I figured that she'd be walking before her birthday and she is. She's even turning and taking more steps after. There is still a lot of falling going on, but she gets a little better every day.
She prefers Aaron to me and it is the most beautiful thing when Aaron comes home from work. No matter where she is or what she's doing, when the key turns in the lock, Charlotte races to get to the front door and climb up Aaron's leg. She has to be picked up and if for whatever reason, Aaron's hands are full when he gets home, she'll cry until she gets picked up. She loves her daddy.
Charlotte is changing into a little girl and not so much the baby anymore. It's kind of sad, but also exciting to see what kind of little person she'll develop into. I wonder what her voice will be like. I wonder if she'll also inherit my curls and if she'll be the one that the red hair will stick with.
The time has literally flown and I known that one day, I'll turn around and she'll be all grown up, driving, and leaving us, but for now, I shall enjoy her as she is and treasure this time. :)
Happy 1st Birthday, Charlotte!
Reese's Cup/Chocolate Chip Cookie
5 weeks ago