Sunday, July 12, 2009

My Sister and Crowd Come for a Visit

Madelynne is just over a week old and my sister, Amy and her family, came for a visit. It has been a lot of fun seeing all the girls. They have five girls: Alexis, Raegan, Ashleigh, Ryley and Sydney. So, yes, the girl thing is apparently contagious in my family. :) As are twins, notice Ryley and Sydney. :) This is the earliest my sister has every seen one of my girls which was a lot of fun. That is one of the hardest things for me having her so far away right now, is that we're not more able to share those special times in our lives; pregnancies and births. I am just thankful that I live now and not 100 years ago. Then, maybe, I would have been able to see her every 10 years. I just can't imagine.

As I'm sure you can imagine, our house was incredibly crazy. At one point, my cousin's wife, Holly, came over with their three children and it literally felt like a swarming tornado of children! :)

Amy's twin babies are getting so big! They seem to be developing at exactly the same rate. I still can't tell them apart. Maybe someday?

Everyone was playing so hard and I think Miss Ashleigh just needed a little down time.

Raegan trying her hand at the piano.

The oldest grandchild, Alexis is becoming such a big girl and I'm sure a real blessing to her mama.

Amy holding little Madelynne at only a week old. Unbeknownst to us at this visit, she is also pregnant with their sixth little blessing in February 2010!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Sharing Our Space

After Madelynne's birth, because the older girls are still so small, we wanted her to have her own space. That meant moving Charlotte into Anna and Abby's rooms. It seems to be going well so far. The only thing that seems to be a problem is Charlotte staying in her own bed. She is showing herself to be a little climber...even at 15 months old. She's also learned a new sound. She's mimicking my sharp intake of breath when I come into their room and find her perched in the top bunk. :)