Less than 24 hours after giving birth to my fourth child a doctor from my OB's practice came in to check on me. She told me that she didn't see how it was possible to fully love and adequately nurture four children. I told her we would be just fine and made a mental note never to let this woman near me again and that if she was on call when I went into labor with my next child, I would, by sheer will power, hold him/her in until the shift change. :)
It certainly is difficult taking care of and having time to connect with each of these children; especially right now, when I'm so "connected" to the smallest one. But, it is certainly not difficult to love them and to make room in my heart for each new blessing. When I walk into Madelynne's room to get her in the morning and she's cooing and waving her arms and legs, my heart swells and I am filled with an overwhelming love for that child. This seems to happen with each new baby. My depth of love is stretched to a new level. My heart gets bigger.
As to my ability to nurture each one, I have learned what each one of my children responds to. Anna and Charlotte are both very much the same. They are fiercely independent (I DO IT!), but they also want you along for the ride...to be there to share the experience (I DID IT, MAMA!). Abby and Maddie have a need to be with people. Little Maddie is already quite the talker and those of you who have spent any small amount of time with Abby will marvel at her communication skills. My extroverts, they need their energy to be filled up by other people.
I love all my girls so much and love being their mama. I hope to have many more children and know that they'll each be different in their own ways. I can hardly wait to meet them. :)
Reese's Cup/Chocolate Chip Cookie
5 weeks ago