After having contractions off and on for days, they finally got down to where I was feeling this was it. They were hitting about 2-4 minutes apart pretty consistently and after taking a nap, I got up and there was quite a bit of pressure. So we left for the hospital about 1:30. Once we were there, I was at a four and contractions were coming about every 2 minutes. I labored, walking around for a couple of hours, but only had progressed to a 5. The contractions were still coming pretty strong and the doctor thought breaking my water would help to progress things. (I don't know why I let them do this...for me, it really just seems to slow things down.) Anyway, I did hop to 6 right after, but then sat there only dilating a centimeter every couple of hours. Finally, just after 11:15, it was time to start pushing. It only took a couple of good pushes and she was out. Her shoulder did catch and tear me a bit, but not too badly. She was born at 11:32 and I was right that she was going to be a bigger baby. She was 8lbs and 13ozs, 21.5 inches long. So, a nice good size. As you can tell from the above video, her oldest sister, Anna loves her a lot. I think she's going to be a big help. :)
Reese's Cup/Chocolate Chip Cookie
5 weeks ago