Why write a blog? How mundane. How self-possessed.
Well, because for the two minutes and thirty-eight seconds that it takes me to write this, I am breathing slowly...in and out. I can feel this. I could count the breathes if I wanted to. This time is mine. Selfish? Yes. But, for that two minutes and thirty-eight seconds I am able to do something that I enjoy. Putting words together and marking memories. My Oldest daughter went "number 2" on the toilet today for the first time...by herself without any prompting. My middle daughter is mimicing me by mothering her doll. My youngest daughter sees me and feels my spirit and is content just to be with me. All of these things bring joy to me. They are all pieces of the happiness that I will carry with me for always. I suppose that this blog is just another way for me to remember that, down the road when there are darker days, that I have this happiness inside of me and wherein lies my joy.
Reese's Cup/Chocolate Chip Cookie
5 weeks ago
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