We've made the six week mark. Charlotte is so close to sleeping through the night I can taste it. Last night wasn't such a good night, but that's to be expected--the six week growth spurt is upon us. She's eating like crazy--nursing every two hours like clockwork with only two longer periods of sleep, but she is snoozing in between feedings, so I'm finding that I have gotten a remarkable amount done today.
With each of my girls I have waited until we hit the six week mark to begin exercising again and today was the same with this baby. So this morning the girls and I did some cardio exercise; which is more fun when you have to watch out for twirling and spinning small obstacles. This could make for some interesting workouts, but I'm committed to making certain that I at least do it three times a week and hopefully when Charlotte gets on more of a regular schedule, we'll move to five times a week.
On another note, my computer has died. Which has me using Aaron's computer. This more than any other thing is a motivation to Aaron to fix my computer. He's afraid I will kill his computer, too. :) I think it'll be okay. That's one great thing about being married to a techie; when you break stuff they'll fix it for you for free. I've also learned many things from him...a computer tower is not also known as a modem; a completely different thing. Another thing...I cannot break the internet and restarting your computer will solve a lot of problems.