Well...we did it. I had my MOPS(Mothers of Preschoolers) meeting today. I packed the diaper bags(all three) last night and loaded the car this morning. The meeting is three hours long. I dropped the girls off for their "classes" and Charlotte and I went to ours. She was sooo good. She just sat in her chair and looked all around, snoozed a bit and smiled occasionally. She didn't cry once...fussed only momentarily, but quieted down again when I fed her. I know that not all times we go out will be like this, but I'm thankful that our first time was. If it hadn't been, I probably would have holed up for another six weeks. I know I had some peoples praying for me and I know that made the difference today.
P.S. I must be feeling better...yesterday I made three loaves of bread and today I'm making my chicken soup. Huzzah!
Reese's Cup/Chocolate Chip Cookie
5 weeks ago
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