Getting ready to go anywhere with three small children is an adventure. You have to think through every possible situation that could go wrong and plan accordingly. So can you imagine how you must plan and plan and pack and pack for a 10 day, 10 hour drive, trip to Arkansas? Whoosh. I could just pack all of their stuff...every toy, book and piece of clothing they own. I think that would be quicker. Oh, and on top of that...two of my children are beginning potty training. Should I pack the potty chair for emergency stops in the car? Hmmm.
I must remember the double stroller and the umbrella stroller. What about the exersaucer? Hmmm. Will 45 diapers be enough for each child? What about 4 packages of wipes? The good thing is that we'll be staying with my sister, who has a washer and dryer and extra diapers and wipes should we run out. Plus, since we're going to the "land of Wal-mart," diapers and wipes won't be that far away.
I should call Dad and see if they have anything that they're planning on shipping down to Arkansas so I can save them some postage...43 cents for a stamp...goodness. Mom's sending a box with us. Hope I don't forget it.
What did they do in the days of covered wagons? Do you think that the mamas back then worried about things the way that mamas of today worry about them? Worried about entertaining their children so that they didn't cry the whole way? I'm talking about the mamas and the chilen's. What if they ran out of clean nappies before they got to a creek bed that would work to clean 'em up. Gosh...I can't even imagine.
Pray for me as I pack up our family over the next couple of days. Pray that I won't forget anything and that we'll be in good spirits and cooperative with each other. We'll be leaving around bedtime on Friday night; hoping that driving through the night will give us the best chance for having friendly babies for such a long drive.
Reese's Cup/Chocolate Chip Cookie
5 weeks ago
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