Sorry I missed posting on Friday. It's not that I haven't had things to talk about...Abortion, Patrick Henry's crazy wife, over medicating our children...these are all things that have touched me since Wednesday. But, unfortunately, something else has touched me especially hard since Wednesday as well. Morning sickness and I are likethis with each other right now. I am on the verge of getting sick on you at this very moment. I am especially sensitive to eggs and beef...Aaron, bless his heart, made eggs for breakfast...and I, fool that I am, made Swiss steak for dinner.
And yet, I am starving. I feel the need to eat right now while I am holding down dinner. I am also cutting out caffeine. Yes, this does include my cokes. Argh!
So, stay with me and we'll get through this together. I'll try to keep my dry heaves to myself and keep mentions of vomit brief. You can do your part and try not to laugh at my prego brain or the fact that I've put my daughter's shoes on the wrong feet every single time I've put them on her this week.
I'm going to try to keep up my normal posting days, but there may be days when I just have to skip, because a nap seems more important. I know we'll get through this. Yes, I already said that, but I think if I say something often enough I can make myself believe it. :)
Reese's Cup/Chocolate Chip Cookie
5 weeks ago
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