I have been less than enthusiastic about the ole blog the last few weeks. There have been some personal struggles that I've been dealing with that have weighed down my heart considerably. It's something that I can't do anything about and finally, after the advice and counsel of good friends, was able to just give over to God. The burden is way too big and honestly there is nothing that I, in my power, can do; so thankfully, while my heart is still sore, I am not dwelling on it as I was.
I've got less than six weeks left in the semester with Ulysses, and while I have learned a LOT, and certainly have a new respect for James Joyce, it will be some time before I pick any of his material up again. It looks like I will finish the course strong and I am extremely excited about writing the final paper that I have due that first week of May.
The baby is approaching the 3 pound mark and getting more vigorous every day. I can't believe that I'm already 30 weeks and that in just two months or so, we'll have another baby here. :)
As we prepare for her birth, we're also preparing the older girl's room for Charlotte. My darling husband, Aaron, painted the girls room for me this last weekend and it is now a lovely shade of purple. I can hardly wait to see where we'll go from here with the decorations and the mural Aaron's sister, Mary may be starting soon.
As we start April and then May, we'll also be starting planning for our flower beds and veggie garden. I cannot tell you how much I'm looking forward to those summer tomatoes.
With all that's going on in our family right now, I'm sure you can understand that the posts here are not as frequent as I'd normally do, but I will try to keep it updated fairly regularly. I hope that you all are enjoying Spring. Has anyone else noticed the Magnolia trees have blossomed? I absolutely ADORE Magnolias and hope to be able to get one someday when we have a larger space to put it.
Reese's Cup/Chocolate Chip Cookie
5 weeks ago
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