I've started walking twice a week with my sister-in-law, Kelly, and this past Tuesday we walked along the trail by the park in the middle of our subdivision. As we were walking, two "men" came down the hill next to the path and started walking towards us. Both of them filled the path and refused to yeild, leaving no room for us on the path, forcing us off the path and into the grass. These "men" were both at least 25 years old and possibly older.
Personally, I think that is unacceptable. You may say, well, gone are the days of laying the coat down over the mud puddle, Sarah. You've gotta get with the times. Well, excuse me, but no. I refuse. I expect to be treated as I am...a lady. And, furthermore, I expect real men to do this and even farther to KNOW to do this.
I believe that is the responsibility of the parents to see that their sons are raised up to cherish and respect women. You may say, but Sarah, you don't have any sons. You don't know the difficulty of raising sons. This is true. I do not. But, I do have a husband who respects and cherishes me and in so doing is mirroring the kind of qualities that my daughters will respond to in the men that God is preparing for them.
All that said, I'm doing some "slight" research(for those who know me, this is my way of saying I'm going completely overboard :) ) on the topic of "The Emasculation of the American Male by Feminist Thought and Theory." Whoa. Yeah, I know. Don't let the title scare you away, but look for this within the next month or so. :)
Reese's Cup/Chocolate Chip Cookie
5 weeks ago
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Hi!!! I saw you on cafemom and dropped in to say hi!!!
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