As I have been gathering items together for Anna's preschool curriculum, I have been thinking back to my own schooling, really my college years. Some who are close to me know that I am something ridiculous like nine credits away from graduating with a B.A. in English from Butler University here in Indianapolis. Yet, with babies coming so quickly together and the horrible morning sickness I experienced with Anna, I wasn't able to finish when I would have liked.
But, this week I am doing the necessary prelimanary paperwork in order to transfer to IUPUI because of the expense of Butler; requesting transcripts and transfer admission. I don't know yet if I will be taking classes during the spring semester or next summer or even fall of 2009, but taking these first steps toward that are something that is both incredibly exciting and frightening.
Just had to share with "someone", even if no one else reads it. :)
Reese's Cup/Chocolate Chip Cookie
5 weeks ago
I read it! :) That's great! (I saw on Paul's facebook that you had a blog... hope you don't mind my stalking you!)
No, I'm glad you're "stalking" my blog. That's kind of what I'd hoped for it to be; a way that people can keep up with us. :)
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