I cannot possible tell you how happy I am that it is all over and decided. Politics have strained us and angered us so much lately...we just really need a break from it all, and the three months until the inauguration might help us out. :)
Most of the people who know me, know I wouldn't, couldn't vote for Obama, even though I was confident that he would be elected. I am not excited about "Change," but fearful about what those changes might be. I worry about the rights that I hold dear and my ability to hold on to them for both my family and myself.
These things I know...I know that God is ultimately still on the thrown and that He is the one who sets up leaders and takes them down. He has given to us a spirit of peace and not of fear.
I would just encourage you to be watchful and leave you with a couple of quotes by Edmund Burke that people often pull out for such occasions as these. :)
"The true danger is when liberty is nibbled away, for expedients, and by parts."
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."
Reese's Cup/Chocolate Chip Cookie
5 weeks ago
1 comment:
Two weeks before the election my mom was struggling with strong concerns and worry about Obama getting elected. While praying about this, God told her, "Why are you so worried about this election? I can use whoever is elected to bring about my purposes. I am powerful enough to change the hearts of men." This was a comfort to her then, and something that I am holding on to now. God is bigger than our government! It's now up to us to pray for Obama, and pray that God would change his heart where necessary and accomplish His purposes.
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