Another sign that Abby is just like me...she too is a pack rat. Oh, I am much better than I used to be mind you. Waaaaaay better. But, I suppose it was the various pieces of chip bags that my mother found in my room that eventually led her to believe that I had a problem. "But, they're so pretty! Please, Mommy, don't throw them away!"
Abby is just a baby pack rat. She has two locations in which she stores her "stuff." One is the right cabinet in my bench...only in the right, because Mama stores her "stuff" in the left. Hey, I'm better, but it's a process. Don't judge me! The other location is the cabinets in the TV stand. Usually if anything is missing, that's where it will be. Anna's shoes that were missing for three days turned up there.
Well, now we are missing my set of keys. House key, car key, various shopping tags and other things I may or may not use on a daily basis. I searched the normal spots. I only keep them in one or two spots...okay...three or four. Okay, maybe I do lay them down wherever when I walk in the door. Yes, I'm a mess. Don't judge me!
I searched in Abby's normal spots and while I did find the cake server, I have yet to find the keys. I'm hoping they turn up soon. Please. That would be nice. I'm afraid that I'm going to have to clean the house in a deeper fashion than I am normally want to do. That, to me, is almost a fate worse than death. I like all women, I think, when there is no one but them around, find it soothing to organize and clean, but children and a husband around always seem to put me completely out of the cleaning mood. Hmmm.
Anyway, pray that I can find the keys after I clean our bathroom, but before the garage. :)
Reese's Cup/Chocolate Chip Cookie
5 weeks ago
I guess you are saying that I am not like most women... oh, well:) If I were a little closer I would definitely help you look- and clean:) Hope your keys turn up- and hey, look at the bright side at least you can serve yourself some cake in nothing else:)
Update on the keys...they've been found! They were stuffed inside our big chair.
We have a famous story in our family involving keys. My baby sister hid Mom's keys, like Abby, and they were nowhere to be found. I (brillant 7 yr old) decided to give her another set of keys and stalked her until she opened the door to the unused guest room and tossed them on top of the missing set of keys. Perhaps a strategy to try next time? ;-)
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