I took Abby for a consult this morning with a pediatric surgeon down at Peyton Manning's Children's Hospital. While we already knew that there was a piece of glass that was just under the scalp, we weren't certain as to how big the glass might be or what would be involved in removing it. The surgeon after doing his own probing and measuring estimates the "shard" to be between 1 and 1 1/2 inches in length. He recommends it would be in our best interest to, of course, remove the glass. He said that it would be fine until one day it shifted, she laid on it differently and it cracked.
The only problem I have with this is that it would require Abby to be put under general anesthetic with a breathing tube inserted. Right now, the surgery is scheduled for December 29th early in the morning. I'll probably do a consult call with our family doctor to get his opinion on this as well.
I'm just really nervous about this, as I'm sure any parent is at the thought of their child being put under, but I also want this to be taken care of and not cause her any more pain.
Reese's Cup/Chocolate Chip Cookie
5 weeks ago
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