We had a lovely Christmas Day. In fact, I would go so far as to say that it was the best Christmas yet for our little family. This is the first year that Anna really remembers the things that we've taught her about Jesus and His birth. Both she and Abby have been singing, "Happy Birthday to Jesus." We have tried to stress the importance of putting Jesus first in our Christmas celebrations and hope that each of our children will see that and one day continue that in their own families.

I am putting this picture of Anna first, because it will explain later pictures of her. I do not know why, other than it is a toddler phase that we will someday grow out of (right??), but Anna has turned into something of a little stripper. She takes her
jammies off right after she goes to bed and keeps taking her clothes off throughout the day; no matter what mommy does or says against it.

Charlotte, while perhaps to young to understand the spirit of Christmas, does understand toys and presents. Her new favorite thing is the hat from Uncle Justin's family. She has always enjoyed hats...which is the exact opposite of my other girls. I must say she does look dashing, doesn't she? :)

I think perhaps the girls favorite present from "Santa" would have to be the little play kitchenette. They have played with it like no other gift they've ever received. Abby, our designated "little mother" has spent hours already cooking food for all of us and feeding her baby.

Here, in the naked picture of Anna, she shows off her Cinderella and Aurora dolls. She loves these little things and will spend a frantic minute should she realize that she has set them down somewhere or can't remember where she put them.
Aaron and I also exchanged gifts with each other and various members of his family on the actual day of Christmas. I think Aaron's favorite gift from the girls and I was a lumberjack hat like his dad has. We also celebrated a lovely Christmas dinner with the Greenwood clan hosted by Kelly's mother.
With each year that passes for our little family that God has blessed us with, each celebration gets sweeter and more lovely. At this time of year and hopefully everyday, may we pause to thank God for the precious gift of His Son and the salvation He has offered to us and to the world.
Our family sincerely hopes that your families were all equally blessed this Christmas with the love of family and friends and the reminder of the real meaning of Christmas. :)
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