Sunday, June 7, 2009

The Girls

Anna and Abby are very interested in the new baby. They want to see her and are concerned about her. They always want to know where she is and what she needs. Charlotte could care less about her and doesn't really acknowledge her existence yet. Maybe this is a good thing. We were concerned about Charlotte showing jealousy towards the baby. Maybe she does realize the baby is there and just knows that that small "thing" needs Mommy an awful lot right now. She is becoming waaaaaaay more independent, which is also a good thing right now. Now, if we can just keep her out of the toilet. :)

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Madelynne is proof to me that we should keep having babies. I love all my girls so much, but each one opens up something inside me that I hadn't yet experienced. Each one has taught me something about myself, creation, humanity and God's wonderous love that without these little beings, I wouldn't otherwise know. I praise God for seeing me fit to hold even one of these most marvelous of creations.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Madelynne is Here

After cooking for nine months and ten hours of labor, Madelynne Olivia made her grand entrance on May 31, 2009 at 7:05pm. She weighed 7lbs, 7oz and was 20.5 inches long. She is absolutely beautiful, and most defintely has her own look. I can see bits of all the other girls in her, but she is so different and special.
We thank God for her and His grace in bringing her to us safely. Aaron will be home with us the rest of this week to help out as the mama heals up a bit and we adjust to this new member of our family.