I know I've been off of here for a couple of weeks and I have no better excuse than computers seem to be making me vomit. But, it's also the couch, the kitchen, the laundry and my children's toys. I can't seem to escape it. Hopefully, now that I'm almost out of my first trimester things will get easier. Keep your fingers crossed for me.
Also on the baby front, we had our first OB appt last week and were able to hear the heartbeat after a few tries and it sounded really good. I'm always a little nervous until I hear the heartbeat that first time. Really, I'm always a little nervous in the back of my mind until the baby is born. Okay, maybe until they are about six months old...Shoot, I'm always a little nervous about my babies.
Speaking of my babies...Charlotte is starting to pull herself up on things and falling down. She has a nice little bruise on her forehead. She is also adding to her technological advancements and is able to spin the dial on the stereo speaker box thingy. This is now her new favorite thing to do.
Abby turned two last week and this morning I looking at her and realized she had a neck. Not just any neck...a little girl neck. She's still a bit on the short side, but she's definitely growing up. SOB SOB. She is also speaking more clearly. Abby took forever to say anything and then she would just babble non-stop and now she has conversations with anyone who is willing to listen. It's actually pretty neat. She'll have her two year old check-up tomorrow and also a check on her head. We'll keep you posted.
Anna has grown as well. She is now tall enough for the clothes that she has been wearing for the last six months. No more rolling up of the cuffs. She is officially average in height. Yeah! I always wanted to be average in height. Oh, well. But, something exciting on that front...my OB's office wanted to measure my height and I was 5'3". Can I just say...YEAH!! For the last ten years, I have thought myself to be 5'2" and to hear that I am a WHOLE inch taller is so cool. It may mean nothing to any of you tall people out there, but to me its nice. :)
Aaron has been working hard and helped me clean up our room over the weekend. Very nice of him. Aaron's 35th birthday is also tomorrow..."Happy Birthday, my loafer." Send him a note if you think about it.
I'm also starting a writing class tonight that I'm pretty excited about. We'll see how it goes.
We're going to get more regular on this again, so look for more updates soon.
Reese's Cup/Chocolate Chip Cookie
5 weeks ago
1 comment:
Happy Birthday Aaron!!! Hope it is wonderful... we are praying for your brother.
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