Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Freezin' for Tomorrow

One of the things that I try to do before each baby comes is to stock up my freezer with easy and quick meals that someone could throw together with one hand tied behind their back, or in my case with a baby in one arm. This go around, it was my goal to go about this is a more organized manner. Here are some pictures and links to the recipes of the meals that Aaron and I made to stock up our freezer for after Maddie gets here. All of this was made much easier by my mother's day gift this year of a new upright freezer. I love my husband. This is something that will, as our family continues to grow, help enormously with meal prep and shopping trips.

First we made something called "Brown Bag Burritoes." These were so easy and are so yummy!

Here is my family's favorite recipe for Pumpkin Bread that makes sensational muffins. These are great for a quick breakfast or morning snack when everyone is hungry at the same time and you've got to nurse the baby. :)

This is "Chicken Tater Bake." A recipe that my sister introduced me to, it is also super easy to make and is a complete meal.

Our new favorite recipe for "Chicken Pot Pie." I've blogged about this before, but the great thing about it is that it makes two pies. I also have made up extra filling and mixed it with cheddar cheese and rotini for another pasta dish option.

These are "mini meatloaves", with the exception that I used my own personal meatloaf recipe. I know that everyone has their own preferred meatloaf recipe and I think the concept would work with whatever recipe, but this is the one that I used.


theroyers said...

Thanks SO much for sharing these, Sarah! I'm making up my list of things to cook & freeze before baby. These sound sooo tasty and will be going on the list! We just got an upright freezer too... I'm so pumped! :-)

Sarah said...

I forgot to put it on here, but we also did meatballs that are out of this world from Aaron's family recipe. It's posted on the recipe blog already. I'll try to get a link up when I get a chance. Happy cooking. :)