Wednesday, November 5, 2008

A House for the Pooch and Carving Pumpkins

Here we have the beautiful Molly-dog surveying her domain while lounging on the stoop(My idear...Aaron wasn't going to put one on. How can you not have a stoop. I mean really? A dogs gotta be able to survey, right?) of her lovely new dog house, handcrafted by Aaron.
It took several evenings and a few weekends, many trips to the hardware store, but now it's complete and Molly has her new heavily insulated doghouse to protect her from the elements. It was Aaron's first doghouse, but I must say it is a spectacular effort. He even had some leftover house paint for it, so it matches our house, too. :)

Ooooohhhh!!! Sssooooo Ssspppooookkkyy! Here are our Halloween pumpkins for this year...there are only two, because the Halloween rules strictly state that one must be walking before one gets one's first pumpkin. So, next year, Charlotte. Aaron and I got all the seeds out and I cleaned the seeds while Aaron carved the faces into the pumpkins. This is my first year to toast the seeds on my own and I think they were okay...even though Abby is the only one that wanted to eat any and she's just sucking the ummy stuff off the outside. Oh, well. Fun thing I noticed this year...Aaron calls the cut out stem thing-y a hat and I call it a top. Hmmm. Wonder what our girls will call them. Maybe top hats?

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