Thursday, February 14, 2008

50 Reasons I Love You-For My Husband Aaron

50 Reasons Why I Love You: Valentine's Day 2008
You make me smile. You're the One I want to grow old with. We make beautiful babies. You're Ticklish. You have beautiful eyes. You'll never leave me. You change diapers without being asked. You protect me. Your intelligence. The feeling I get when you come home. You steal the covers. You work hard to support our family. You hold my hand and put your arm around me in public. You're a great daddy. You want to be with me and only me. The way you smell after a shower. Pillow-talk. You watch my girl-y movies with me. You hold me when I cry. When you're grumpy because you need coffee. You accept me despite my obsession for Coca-Cola. You desire me. You cuddle with me. You enjoy going for walks. You ask if I'm okay. You understand me...even when I'm sobbing. You don't yell at me. Even when you're playing your computer games, you steal glances at me. You'll take care of the babies when you know I need a break; even at 3:00 in the morning. You buy me flowers on non-holiday days. You know that I love the Holiday shaped Reese's Cups and that the Easter Eggs are my favorites. Story, Indiana. You get excited by computer parts. We learn things together. You read to me. I can trust you completely. You respect me. The way you feel. The way you hold me after we make love. You show me everyday how much you love me; not only that you tell me. Kisses when you come home from work. You're so coot. You dilute the last drop of hand-soap with water rather than refill it with soap. I can cry in front of you. You say “Poopie.” You pick up toys. You sing with me. It's okay that there are dirty dishes in the sink, laundry piled-up on the bed and I haven't vacuumed. You defend me. You're my best friend. With All My Love-Sarah

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